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Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer is the fourth or fifth most common cause of cancer-related deaths among women worldwide and is responsible for 5% of all cancer deaths in women.

The high death rate is mostly attributable to its late detection. Earlier detection is essential for improved survival.

CA125 is, to date, the best known test for ovarian cancer diagnosis, and is the serum marker most widely used to monitor therapeutic response and to detect disease

HE4 is a marker for earlier detection of ovarian carcinoma.  It is over-expressed in patients with ovarian cancers. Normal ovarian tissue has minimal production of HE4. When combined with CA125, HE4 raises the level of sensitivity for the detection of ovarian cancer. HE4 is consistently expressed in patients with ovarian cancer and has demonstrated an increased sensitivity and specificity over that of CA125 alone.

Edgbaston Private Medical Practice is a trading name of Lister Medical Group Ltd, Registered Office: 44 George Road, Birmingham, B15 1PL, UK Company Reg No.: 09594751